The small town of Chamba is located in a picturesque valley, amidst the Shivalik ranges and is famous for its medieval temples. Quite and serene pathways where you can hear the occasional hornbill, lush green forests, silent valleys, and misty hills are what make Chamba the ideal destination for your holidays. Naturally, Chamba summons tourists worldwide to its alluring grandeur of natural beauty. Hotel packages for Chamba give you the true opportunity to explore the majesty of the Himalayas.
To make the travel to Chamba comfortable hotel packages for Chamba offer just the right kind of accommodation for you and your family or friends. Spacious well appointed rooms, Luxury cottages, Multi cuisine dinning, Bar-be-que, Multi channel televiewing, Library, Indoor recreations, Travel desk, Power backup are some of the many facilities you get by booking hotel packages for Chamba.
The various hotel packages for Chamba offer the best of facilities. Chamba hotels offer great service and you will find Chamba holiday more enjoyable than most other thanks to the never before hotel packages for Chamba. You will find special arrangements like Paragliding, Rock Climbing, Rappling, Camping, Cricket Match, River Side Picnic etc.